Qvadis Blog - by Qvadis

Qvadis en Health Europa

Escrito por Qvadis | 21-feb-2021 23:00:00

«Opening the front door may seem like a simple action, but for the vulnerable who are isolating, the option risks exposure to infection. As much of the elderly population continues self-isolating due to the COVID-19 pandemic, one innovative device – a mobile intercom – could offer a solution for this vulnerable population who could be having difficulty answering their doors or house phones. The intercom, designed by Qvadis, focusses on making life easier in the home, and its useful features have been utilised during the COVID-19 pandemic – such as easy connectivity and calls.» Leer más…

*Puedes leer también la entrevista a nuestro CEO, Arsenio Vilallonga, en Health Europa, medio especializado en sanidad a nivel europeo, tanto en su versión online como impresa.

Junio 2020